Angie Reese-Hueser has been named to the Jefferson Matters: Main Street board of directors. She works at Wilcox, Polking, Gerken, Schwarzkopf, Copeland & Williams, PC as the legal assistant/paralegal to Vicki R. Copeland.
Reese-Hueser grew up in Jefferson and moved back to the area after completing college. She and her husband Jon have two children. Jacob, 14, and Ethan, 12.
She just recently joined Jefferson Matters: Main Street and serves as the chairperson of the organization team. “We are very excited to have her in the program,” said Jamie Daubendiek, JM:MS board president.
JM :MS is a volunteer organization devoted to economic development through historic preservation in downtown Jefferson. Persons would like to become involved with JM:MS can ontact Alan Robinson, program director, at 515-386-3585 or director@ jeffersonmatters.org.
Visitors seeking information about downtown Jefferson are encouraged to visit the office at 110 W. Lincoln Way in the restored 5 Spot Hamburger Shop historic building. The office is open from 10 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday. Look for updates about JM:MS news and activities at www.jeffersonmatters.org.